Pay in 4 Months With Tabby

Strict No-Refund Policy

At Handy Customs, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional services with a focus on customer satisfaction. However, to ensure transparency and consistency in our operations, we have implemented a strict no-refund policy. This policy applies to all services provided by Handy Customs and outlines the conditions under which payments are non-refundable.

1. Non-Refundable Payments: All payments made to Handy Customs are non-refundable once the project has commenced. This includes deposits, partial payments, and full payments made before the start of the project. The initiation of a project is defined as the point at which any work begins, such as planning, designing, coding, or any other preliminary activities. The client acknowledges that by making a payment, they agree to this non-refundable policy and waive any right to request a refund.

2. Changes and Revisions: Handy Customs offers a 72-hour period after project completion for minor changes and revisions. This period is intended to address small, non-structural adjustments to ensure client satisfaction. However, it is important to note that this revision period does not entitle the client to a refund. Any requests for revisions that go beyond the agreed scope or are submitted after the 72-hour window may incur additional fees, which are also non-refundable.

3. Cancellations: In the event of a project cancellation, whether initiated by the client or due to non-cooperation or failure to provide necessary resources, all payments made up to the point of cancellation are non-refundable. This policy ensures that Handy Customs can maintain a fair and equitable service structure for all clients.

4. Third-Party Service Rejections: Handy Customs frequently assists clients in securing third-party services such as payment gateways, shipping accounts, and other integrations essential to their websites’ functionality. However, approval and acceptance of these services are determined solely by the third-party providers and are subject to their policies.

  • Rejections by Third-Party Providers: Should a third-party provider (e.g., payment gateway or shipping company) reject the client’s application or fail to approve the necessary accounts, this is outside of Handy Customs’ control. These rejections will not be considered valid grounds for a refund, and Handy Customs does not guarantee the approval of any third-party service. The client assumes all risks associated with applying for these services.

  • Assistance with Third-Party Issues: While Handy Customs will make reasonable efforts to assist in resolving any issues with third-party providers, including communicating with them on behalf of the client, this assistance does not imply any entitlement to a refund or financial compensation.

5. Payment Using Tabby or Tamara: If the client chooses to make payments using installment services such as Tabby or Tamara, it is important to understand that these payments are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective service providers.

  • Non-Cancellation of Payments: Once a project is initiated, the client is obligated to complete all installment payments as agreed with Tabby or Tamara, even if the client decides to cancel the project or discontinue the service. Handy Customs is not responsible for any obligations the client has with Tabby or Tamara, and no cancellations or refunds will be processed through Handy Customs in such cases.

  • Liability for Complete Payment: The client remains liable for the full payment of the project cost, as per the installment agreement with Tabby or Tamara. Handy Customs will not intervene in any disputes or issues related to the payment schedule set by these service providers.

6. Additional Work and Fees: Any work requested by the client that extends beyond the original project scope will incur additional charges. These charges will be communicated and agreed upon before the additional work begins. Once the client agrees to these charges, they are non-refundable.

7. Intellectual Property and Project Completion: Upon completion of the project and full payment, the client will receive all deliverables as outlined in the Scope of Work. Handy Customs will retain ownership of the designs until the final payment is made, at which point ownership is transferred to the client. Any additional requests or changes after the final payment may be subject to additional fees.

By proceeding with payment and accepting these terms, the client acknowledges and agrees to Handy Customs’ strict no-refund policy. This policy ensures that Handy Customs can deliver consistent and high-quality services to all clients while maintaining a fair and transparent business relationship.